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About Love, Power, and Purpose
Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Today, more than 50 years after Dr. King’s meaningful words were spoken aloud, they ring as true as ever. You are invited to enter a realm of possibility through experimenting with acting from unified love and power in service to purpose and the more-than-human world.

What you find here
What you find here
Engaging with the challenging needs of our times in a meaningful way requires us to express ever more of who we truly are. The stories we tell ourselves and what we consider true, however, often hold us back from doing our authentic work in the world. It’s time to co-create new stories so we can each be and become the most loving and powerful version of ourselves.
These are some ways to maximize the benefits offered here in support of this journey:
This is for you if...
The offerings of Love, Power, and Purpose support you in bringing the unique gifts that are yours to give—to help your distinctive contributions to the world unfold to their fullest potential. What you have to offer, from your unified love and power, is needed now. Love, Power, and Purpose is for you if . . .
- You know the feelings of fear and overwhelm when facing the challenges of our times
- You are looking for purpose-aligned fellow travelers
- You are ready to step into liminal space together with others, and to collectively find your way forward into new possibilities and new potential
- You are willing to be guided through experiments with what wants to emerge from the unknown
- You are yearning to develop trust and strong relationships with your personal resources
- You want to deepen your understanding of who you truly are
- You feel a desire to increase the capacity of manifesting your purpose
- You want to grow your capacities to act from unified love and power in service to your purpose and to the more-than-human world

Guiding stories
Stories shape our reality. They form what we believe about ourselves and about the world around us. We humans cannot exist without stories. They give us orientation and guidance in our life. Yet, we can’t claim our stories as general truths. While one thing might be true for you, the exact opposite might be true for another. The space between those stories is where the emergence of unimagined possibility happens.
For the work of Love, Power, and Purpose, it is therefore important to make the guiding stories transparent, knowing that at the same time there are many more stories embedded in this work. This list can never be complete.

Nothing exists on its own. Everything is connected and interdependent. Also called Inter-existence of all things, or Interbeing (Thich Nhat Hanh), this reveals the interconnectedness of all things, through our actions, feeling, thoughts, and the physical and existential makeup of the Universe.

Emergence describes the process of something arising, coming into being, and entering our awareness from the unknown. It is a foundational aspect of creation and co-creation.

Presence is understood as a state of heightened awareness and of simply being with what is present in this very moment—of being in the here and now.

Evolution is a process of ongoing experimentation. It feeds the process of unfolding, of constant change, of trial and error, of failing forward and learning, of integrating, of letting go and letting come. Experimentation follows the emergence from the unknown and gives access to unimagined possibilities.

This is not only the realm of everything we don’t (yet) know. It is also the vast, infinite realm of possibility that always is, and that is available to us at any given moment in time. It becomes accessible to us through being present and available, and through emergence.

A term coined in 1996 by Fritjof Kapra, who describes the web of life as the interrelationships and interdependence of psychological, biological, physical, social, and cultural phenomena. In Love, Power, and Purpose we also often use the term “more-than-human world”, coined by David Abram, also in 1996.
Importantly, the stories of Love, of Power, and of Purpose need more in-depth description. You can find those in the book New Stories of Love, Power, and Purpose and in the JournaLogue Programs.

About your host
Meet Christiane
Christiane is a seasoned entrepreneur, a global pioneer in the field of self-organization and purpose-guided work, and a host and facilitator of spaces that allow for the emergence of the unknown.
She has spent the 10+ years striving to better understand the shift in power systems triggered by self-organization and its effect on the people concerned.
Christiane sought an approach that would address the disconnection and disruption she witnessed in herself and others, and through this work discovered exciting new stories of love and power and their implications for people and planet.
Following the call of her own personal purpose—“The unification of love and power”— led Christiane to let go of old stories and to embrace the liberation of what is emerging in their place–an experience that led eventually to writing her book New Stories of Love, Power, and Purpose; A Global Invitation to Experiment With the Unknown.
In all her offerings, Christiane invites clients from all over the world to join her into experimenting in their lives with the question:
“What becomes possible when we act from unified love and power in service to purpose and the more-than-human world?”
More from Christiane
What others are saying
“Christiane is a master networker who brings theory and practice to life with real experience and deep understanding. Committed to a shared purpose, she will challenge and encourage you along your path, supporting your personal or organizational journey with compassion and grit. I know this because she has been a friend, business colleague, and fellow partner-in-purpose for over a decade.”
“Christiane holds broad and deep insights and visions for people and organizations. Supported by her significant experience, those insights and visions are very grounded and tangible and are therefore easy to transfer into practice. What she brought is making a big impact in Japan and enabled a great turning point in my company. I believe that her interest in people and her passion for our future comes from the bottom of her wisdom and purpose.”