identify your first experiment with the unknown

The JournaLogue Introduction

What can shift when you liberate your unified love and power in service to purpose?

In just five simple steps, you’ll see where this practice can create powerful shifts in your life, work, and relationships.

What is one place in your life where you wish you could have more ease and flow? What matters most to you, and where can you make room for subtle—yet powerful—shifts? What relationship or circumstance will unfold differently for you when you act from a place of unified love and power? Learn five simple steps to get started and explore the question, “what becomes possible when we act from unified love and power in service to purpose and the more-than-human world?”

Get your free download and let me introduce you to the JournaLogue practice. Read about the transformational process and how it can help you connect to your Inner Support Team—resources you already have, and need, to manifest your purpose through acting from unified love and power

What others say

"Making time for the JournaLogue Practice was one of the best things I did for myself during the pandemic. Several days a week, I committed thirty minutes to journaling and self-reflection, following Christiane’s method. Over the course of just a few months I started to experience easier access to inner wisdom, peace, and clarity around some thorny issues in my life. Even after letting go of my daily JournaLogue habit during a particularly busy season, I found that the practice came back effortlessly when I once again asked my Inner Support Team for help"

“The JournaLogue takes you to magical inner places. Places of power. Places of love. Places of courage. The language Christiane chooses touches the heart directly. Alone and yet connected with my Inner Support Team, I laughed, cried, rejoiced, smiled, shook my head, shouted YES and wrote more than I have in a long time. The JournaLogue combines the best of many worlds. While much of it may already be known, never before have I experienced this knowledge in such a condensed, practical, and self-empowering form. I recommend the JournaLogue from all of my heart!”

“Through the JournaLogue practice I was able to get to know my wonderful Inner Support Team. I could work with them intensively, openly, and honestly. They are smart, loving and funny. I knew that these parts are in me, but through this practice we came into contact again in a completely different way. This will help me a lot in my further development!”

“The JournaLogue practice gifted me with many ‘gems’, or important insights I believe I otherwise wouldn’t have had. The practice helps me take concrete steps to improve situations in my life that I formerly avoided dealing with. It invites me to step outside of my comfort zone, to the space where my biggest learnings happen. Even when I don’t manage to practice regularly, I know I can return any time and receive support from my inner resources. This trust in my own capacities is the greatest gift of the JournaLogue.”

What others say

“Making time for the JournaLogue Practice was one of the best things I did for myself during the pandemic. Several days a week, I committed thirty minutes to journaling and self-reflection, following Christiane’s method. Over the course of just a few months I started to experience easier access to inner wisdom, peace, and clarity around some thorny issues in my life. Even after letting go of my daily JournaLogue habit during a particularly busy season, I found that the practice came back effortlessly when I once again asked my Inner Support Team for help.”

“The JournaLogue takes you to magical inner places. Places of power. Places of love. Places of courage. The language Christiane chooses touches the heart directly. Alone and yet connected with my Inner Support Team, I laughed, cried, rejoiced, smiled, shook my head, shouted YES and wrote more than I have in a long time. The JournaLogue combines the best of many worlds. While much of it may already be known, never before have I experienced this knowledge in such a condensed, practical, and self-empowering form. I recommend the JournaLogue from all of my heart!”

“Through the JournaLogue practice I was able to get to know my wonderful Inner Support Team. I could work with them intensively, openly, and honestly. They are smart, loving and funny. I knew that these parts are in me, but through this practice we came into contact again in a completely different way. This will help me a lot in my further development!”

“The JournaLogue practice gifted me with many ‘gems’, or important insights I believe I otherwise wouldn’t have had. The practice helps me take concrete steps to improve situations in my life that I formerly avoided dealing with. It invites me to step outside of my comfort zone, to the space where my biggest learnings happen. Even when I don’t manage to practice regularly, I know I can return any time and receive support from my inner resources. This trust in my own capacities is the greatest gift of the JournaLogue.”

What you get

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About Christiane

Meet Christiane

Christiane is the developer of the JournaLogue practice.

She is a seasoned entrepreneur, an international business consultant and coach, a keynote and TEDx speaker. and a host and facilitator of spaces that allow for the emergence from the unknown.

As a global pioneer in the field of self-organization and purpose-guided work, she has repeatedly experienced how old stories around both power and love can stand in the way of what so many feel as a deeply desired, life-affirming shift to serve the more-than-human world.

Her work today is focused on exploring what becomes possible when we act from unified love and power.

The JournaLogue practice, which she developed over years of practice, is at the core of her offerings.

Through this practice she invites you into spaces to experiment with personally meaningful scenarios from your own life—making room for the unknown, for letting go and letting come, for what wants to emerge.

More from Christiane

More from Christiane

The JournaLogue Process

Phase #1

Prepare your inner and outer conditions. Identify rituals and artifacts that will support you throughout your practice. Identify your first experiment, a scenario from your own life with which you will learn the JournaLogue practice.

Phase #2

Meet your Inner Support Team and begin to build relationships and trust with each of its members. Get to know the potential of your inner resources, which are always there for you to access.

Phase #3

Through ongoing dialogue with your Inner Support Team, begin to explore what you might embrace, what you might let go of, and what can shift through acting from unified love and power.

Phase #4

You are now equipped to go through with your first experiment, explore the unknown, fail forward, learn, and continue to experiment. Find new opportunities to act from unified love and power in service to purpose and the more-than-human world. This phase needs never end!

Phase #1

Prepare your inner and outer conditions. Identify rituals and artifacts that will support you throughout your practice. Identify your first experiment, a scenario from your own life with which you will learn the JournaLogue practice.

Phase #2

Meet your Inner Support Team and begin to build relationships and trust with each of its members. Get to know the potential of your inner resources, which are always there for you to access.

Phase #3

Through ongoing dialogue with your Inner Support Team, begin to explore what you might embrace, what you might let go of, and what can shift through acting from unified love and power.

Phase #4

You are now equipped to go through with your first experiment, explore the unknown, fail forward, learn, and continue to experiment. Find new opportunities to act from unified love and power in service to purpose and the more-than-human world. This phase needs never end!

To learn about the current JournaLogue offerings, click here for the Essentials program and here for the Deep Dive program

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