Perfection & Overwhelm

In one of my earlier blogs I shared about “Expectations and Trust” and how my expectations often get in my way of accepting what is. One of the expectations I thought I had let go of a long time ago was that becoming aware of a shadow pattern would “resolve” or “fix” it, and that it would…
Presence Board

Looking back on this past week, it seems to have been an invitation to more awareness of old patterns that are still part of my life—even some that I thought I had transcended…
Expectations & Trust

This week my INNER WISDOM challenged me. I had fallen into lamenting about my fear of “forgetting” important insights from my JournaLogue sessions. Repeatedly, when going back to re-read …
Asking for Permission

I have traveled a lot lately, and that always interrupts my routines—including my JournaLogue practice. Despite my many years of practice, I still have to spend a little time getting over myself in order to find my way back into routine.
When I finally returned to my sacred space…

My Inner Support Team at one point decided that it was time to focus my dialogues mainly on an aspect of my Inner Child—my Abandoned Child…